Uses of Class

Packages that use Variant
com.jniwrapper.win32.automation This package provides interfaces, their implementaitons, utility classes and data types for working with Microsoft Automation. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.impl The com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.impl package contains default client implementations of COM interfaces introduced in the com.jniwrapper.win32.automation package. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types The com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types package contains various Automation types wrappers, such as Variant, BStr, SafeArray and other. The package contains VTBL classes for COM interfaces introduced in the package. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ole The com.jniwrapper.win32.mshtml package contains a number of interfaces that are used in the OLE technology. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl The com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl package contains default client implementations of COM interfaces introduced in the com.jniwrapper.win32.ole package. 

Uses of Variant in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation that return Variant
 Variant ScriptingAutomation.InvocationHelper.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
 Variant Automation.getProperty(DispID dispid)
          Returns property value of a referenced interface.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName)
          Returns property value of a referenced interface.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, int index)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the index.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(DispID dispID, int index)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the index.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.Object index)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(DispID dispID, java.lang.Object index)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, Variant index)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(DispID dispID, Variant index)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, java.lang.Object[] indexes)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(DispID dispID, java.lang.Object[] indexes)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, Variant[] indexes)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(DispID dispID, Variant[] indexes)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName)
          Invokes the method of a referenced interface.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID)
          Invokes the method of a referenced interface.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object parameter)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with one parameter.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID, java.lang.Object parameter)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with one parameter.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, Variant parameter)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with one Variant parameter.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID, Variant parameter)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with one Variant parameter.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object parameter1, java.lang.Object parameter2)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with two parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID, java.lang.Object parameter1, java.lang.Object parameter2)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with two parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, Variant parameter1, Variant parameter2)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with two Variant parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID, Variant parameter1, Variant parameter2)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with two Variant parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object parameter1, java.lang.Object parameter2, java.lang.Object parameter3)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with three parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID, java.lang.Object parameter1, java.lang.Object parameter2, java.lang.Object parameter3)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with three parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, Variant parameter1, Variant parameter2, Variant parameter3)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with three Variant parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID, Variant parameter1, Variant parameter2, Variant parameter3)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with three Variant parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, Variant[] parameters)
          Invokes the method of a referenced interface.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID, Variant[] parameters)
          Invokes the method of a referenced interface.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] parameters)
          Invokes the method of a referenced interface.
static Variant[] Automation.toVariantArray(java.lang.Object[] parameters)
          Converts an array of java/JNIWrapper objects to the array of Variants.
static Variant Automation.asVariant(java.lang.Object value)
          Converts a java/JNIWrapper object to the Variant parameter.
static Variant Automation.invokeDispatch(IDispatch dispatch, DispID dispID, DispParams dispParams)
          Deprecated. use invokeDispatch(IDispatch dispatch, DispID dispID, Parameter[] args) instead
 Variant Automation.InvocationHelper.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, Variant[] propertyIndexes)
          Returns dispatch property.
 Variant Automation.InvocationHelper.getProperty(DispID propertyID, Variant[] propertyIndexes)
          Returns dispatch property.
 Variant Automation.InvocationHelper.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, Variant[] parameters)
          Invokes dispatch method
 Variant Automation.InvocationHelper.invoke(DispID dispID, Variant[] parameters)

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation with parameters of type Variant
 void ScriptingAutomation.setProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, Variant value)
          Sets property value of a referenced interface.
 void ScriptingAutomation.InvocationHelper.setProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, Variant value)
 void OleClientSiteImpl.exec(GUID pguidCmdGroup, Int32 nCmdID, OleCmdExecOpt nCmdexecopt, Variant pvaIn, Variant pvaOut)
 void ITypeInfo.invoke(IDispatch pvInstance, MemberID memid, UInt16 wFlags, DispParams pDispParams, Variant pVarResult, ExcepInfo pExcepInfo, UInt puArgErr)
 void IRecordInfo.getField(Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField)
 void IRecordInfo.getFieldNoCopy(Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField, Pointer.Void ppvDataCArray)
 void IRecordInfo.putField(InvokeKind wFlags, Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField)
 void IRecordInfo.putFieldNoCopy(InvokeKind wFlags, Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField)
 void IDispatchEx.invokeEx(DispID dispidMember, LocaleID lcid, UInt16 wFlags, DispParams pdispparams, Variant pvarResult, ExcepInfo pexcepinfo, IServiceProvider pspCaller)
 void IDispatch.invoke(DispID dispidMember, IID riid, LocaleID lcid, UInt16 wFlags, DispParams pdispparams, Variant pvarResult, ExcepInfo pexcepinfo, UInt puArgErr)
 Variant Automation.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, Variant index)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(DispID dispID, Variant index)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, Variant[] indexes)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 Variant Automation.getProperty(DispID dispID, Variant[] indexes)
          Returns the value of the specified collection property by the name.
 void Automation.setProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, Variant value)
          Sets property value of a referenced interface.
 void Automation.setProperty(DispID dispID, Variant value)
          Sets property value of a referenced interface.
 void Automation.setProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, Variant[] args)
          Sets property value of a referenced interface.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, Variant parameter)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with one Variant parameter.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID, Variant parameter)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with one Variant parameter.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, Variant parameter1, Variant parameter2)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with two Variant parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID, Variant parameter1, Variant parameter2)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with two Variant parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, Variant parameter1, Variant parameter2, Variant parameter3)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with three Variant parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID, Variant parameter1, Variant parameter2, Variant parameter3)
          Helper method that invokes the method of a referenced interface with three Variant parameters.
 Variant Automation.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, Variant[] parameters)
          Invokes the method of a referenced interface.
 Variant Automation.invoke(DispID dispID, Variant[] parameters)
          Invokes the method of a referenced interface.
 Variant Automation.InvocationHelper.getProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, Variant[] propertyIndexes)
          Returns dispatch property.
 Variant Automation.InvocationHelper.getProperty(DispID propertyID, Variant[] propertyIndexes)
          Returns dispatch property.
 void Automation.InvocationHelper.setProperty(java.lang.String propertyName, Variant[] propertyParameters)
          Sets dispatch property.
 void Automation.InvocationHelper.setProperty(DispID dispID, Variant[] propertyIndexes)
          Sets dispatch property.
 Variant Automation.InvocationHelper.invoke(java.lang.String methodName, Variant[] parameters)
          Invokes dispatch method
 Variant Automation.InvocationHelper.invoke(DispID dispID, Variant[] parameters)

Uses of Variant in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.impl

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.impl with parameters of type Variant
 void ITypeInfoImpl.invoke(IDispatch pvInstance, MemberID memid, UInt16 flags, DispParams params, Variant varResult, ExcepInfo excepInfo, UInt uArgErr)
 void IRecordInfoImpl.getField(Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField)
 void IRecordInfoImpl.getFieldNoCopy(Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField, Pointer.Void ppvDataCArray)
 void IRecordInfoImpl.putField(InvokeKind wFlags, Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField)
 void IRecordInfoImpl.putFieldNoCopy(InvokeKind wFlags, Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField)
 void IDispatchImpl.invoke(DispID dispIdMember, IID iid, LocaleID lcid, UInt16 wFlags, DispParams dispParams, Variant varResult, ExcepInfo excepInfo, UInt uArgErr)
 void IDispatchExImpl.invokeEx(DispID dispidMember, LocaleID lcid, UInt16 wFlags, DispParams pdispparams, Variant pvarResult, ExcepInfo pexcepinfo, IServiceProvider pspCaller)

Uses of Variant in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types

Subclasses of Variant in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types
 class VariantArg
          This structure is used with DISPPARAMS, VARIANT and corresponds to VARIANTARG native structure.

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types that return Variant
static Variant Variant.createUnspecifiedParameter()
          Creates value for unspecified parameter in dispinterface interface method call.
 Variant VarDesc.getLpvarValue()

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types with parameters of type Variant
 void Variant.initBy(Variant that)
 void StructureInfo.getField(Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField)
 void StructureInfo.getFieldNoCopy(Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField, Pointer.Void ppvDataCArray)
 void StructureInfo.putField(InvokeKind wFlags, Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField)
 void StructureInfo.putFieldNoCopy(InvokeKind wFlags, Pointer.Void pvData, OleStr szFieldName, Variant pvarField)

Constructors in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation.types with parameters of type Variant
VariantArg(Variant that)
Variant(Variant that)

Uses of Variant in

Methods in with parameters of type Variant
 void IDispatchServer.invoke(DispID dispidMember, IID riid, LocaleID lcid, UInt16 wFlags, DispParams pdispparams, Variant pvarResult, ExcepInfo pexcepinfo, UInt puArgErr)

Uses of Variant in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole with parameters of type Variant
 void IOleCommandTarget.exec(GUID pguidCmdGroup, Int32 nCmdID, OleCmdExecOpt nCmdexecopt, Variant pvaIn, Variant pvaOut)

Uses of Variant in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl with parameters of type Variant
 void IOleCommandTargetImpl.exec(GUID pguidCmdGroup, Int32 nCmdID, OleCmdExecOpt nCmdexecopt, Variant pvaIn, Variant pvaOut)