Uses of Class

Packages that use DvAspectInfo The package contains a number of standard COM interfaces wrappers. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ole The com.jniwrapper.win32.mshtml package contains a number of interfaces that are used in the OLE technology. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl The com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl package contains default client implementations of COM interfaces introduced in the com.jniwrapper.win32.ole package. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types The com.jniwrapper.win32.mshtml.types package contains Java wrappers for native structures and types that are commonly used in OLE. 

Uses of DvAspectInfo in

Methods in with parameters of type DvAspectInfo
 void AbstractOleControl.draw(DvAspect dwDrawAspect, Int32 lindex, DvAspectInfo pvAspect, DvTargetDevice ptd, Int32 hdcTargetDev, Int32 hdcDraw, Rect lprcBounds, Rect lprcWBounds, Int32 pfnContinue, Int32 dwContinue)
 Pointer AbstractOleControl.getColorSet(DvAspect dwDrawAspect, Int32 lindex, DvAspectInfo pvAspect, DvTargetDevice ptd, Int32 hicTargetDev)
 Int32 AbstractOleControl.freeze(DvAspect dwDrawAspect, Int32 lindex, DvAspectInfo pvAspect)

Uses of DvAspectInfo in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole with parameters of type DvAspectInfo
 void IViewObject.draw(DvAspect dwDrawAspect, Int32 lindex, DvAspectInfo pvAspect, DvTargetDevice ptd, Int32 hdcTargetDev, Int32 hdcDraw, Rect lprcBounds, Rect lprcWBounds, Int32 pfnContinue, Int32 dwContinue)
 Pointer IViewObject.getColorSet(DvAspect dwDrawAspect, Int32 lindex, DvAspectInfo pvAspect, DvTargetDevice ptd, Int32 hicTargetDev)
 Int32 IViewObject.freeze(DvAspect dwDrawAspect, Int32 lindex, DvAspectInfo pvAspect)

Uses of DvAspectInfo in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.impl with parameters of type DvAspectInfo
 void IViewObjectImpl.draw(DvAspect dwDrawAspect, Int32 lindex, DvAspectInfo pvAspect, DvTargetDevice ptd, Int32 hdcTargetDev, Int32 hdcDraw, Rect lprcBounds, Rect lprcWBounds, Int32 pfnContinue, Int32 dwContinue)
 Pointer IViewObjectImpl.getColorSet(DvAspect dwDrawAspect, Int32 lindex, DvAspectInfo pvAspect, DvTargetDevice ptd, Int32 hicTargetDev)
 Int32 IViewObjectImpl.freeze(DvAspect dwDrawAspect, Int32 lindex, DvAspectInfo pvAspect)

Uses of DvAspectInfo in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types

Constructors in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types with parameters of type DvAspectInfo
DvAspectInfo(DvAspectInfo that)