Uses of Class

Packages that use MshCtx
com.jniwrapper.win32.ole The com.jniwrapper.win32.mshtml package contains a number of interfaces that are used in the OLE technology. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types The com.jniwrapper.win32.mshtml.types package contains Java wrappers for native structures and types that are commonly used in OLE. 

Uses of MshCtx in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole with parameters of type MshCtx
static void OleFunctions.coMarshalInterface(IStream pStm, IID riid, IUnknown pUnk, MshCtx dwDestContext, MshlFlags mshlflags)
          Wrapper for CoMarshalInterface API function.

Uses of MshCtx in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types

Fields in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types declared as MshCtx
static MshCtx MshCtx.LOCAL
static MshCtx MshCtx.NOSHAREDMEM
static MshCtx MshCtx.INPROC