Package com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types

The com.jniwrapper.win32.mshtml.types package contains Java wrappers for native structures and types that are commonly used in OLE.


Class Summary
AdviceFlags This enumeration defines flags used by a container to specify the requested behavior when setting up an advise sink or a caching connection with an object and corresponds to ADVF native enumeration.
BindFlags This enumeration contains IDs that used to control moniker binding operations and corresponds to BIND_FLAGS native enumeration.
BindOptions This structure defines parameters used during a moniker-binding operation and corresponds to BIND_OPTS native structure.
ConnectData This structure defines a connection that exists to a given connection point and corresponds to CONNECTDATA native structure.
ControlInfo This structure describes a control's keyboard mnemonics and keyboard behavior and corresponds to CONTROLINFO native structure.
DataDir This enumeration specifies the direction of the data flow for the IDataObject.enumFormatEtc(com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types.DataDir) method.
DocMisc This enumeration provides miscellaneous property information about a document object.
DropEffect This enumeration provides flags for effects of a drag-and-drop operation.
DvAspect This enumeration specifies the desired data or view aspect of the object when drawing or getting data.
DvAspectInfo This structure is used in the IViewObject.draw(com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types.DvAspect, com.jniwrapper.Int32, com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types.DvAspectInfo, com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types.DvTargetDevice, com.jniwrapper.Int32, com.jniwrapper.Int32, com.jniwrapper.win32.Rect, com.jniwrapper.win32.Rect, com.jniwrapper.Int32, com.jniwrapper.Int32) method to optimize rendering of an inactive object.
DvTargetDevice This structure is used to specify information about the target device for which data is being composed and corresponds to DVTARGETDEVICE native structure.
FormatEtc This structure is a generalized Clipboard format used by OLE methods that require data format information.
KeyModifiers Values of this enumeration are flags used in calls to describe additional keyboard states.
MshCtx Represents the wrapper for MSHCTX type.
MshlFlags Represents the wrapper for MSHLFLAGS type.
ObjectDescriptor This class represents the data structure used for the CF_OBJECTDESRIPTOR and CF_LINKSRCDESCRIPTOR file formats.
OleClose Values of this enumeration are used by the IOleObject.close(com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types.OleClose) method to determine whether the object should be saved before closing.
OleCmd This structure associates command flags from the OleCmdFlags enumeration with a command identifer.
OleCmdExecOpt This enumeration specifies command execution options.
OleCmdFlags Values of this enumeration designate support provided by an object for the command in OleCmd structure.
OleCmdID This enumeration defines IDs for standard commands and corresponds to OLECMDID native enumeration.
OleCmdText This structure specifies a text or status string for a single command identifier.
OleCmdTextFlags This enumeration specifies the type of information that an object should store in the OleCmdText structure.
OleContf This enumeration defines IDs for kind of objects enumerated by method IOleContainer::EnumObjects and corresponds to OLECONTF native enumeration.
OleCreate This enumeration defines IDs for dwFlags parameter passed to OleCreateXXX functions and corresponds to OLECREATE native enumeration.
OleGetMoniker This enumeration defines IDs for dwAssign parameter passed to methods IOleObject::GetMoniker, IOleClientSite::GetMoniker and corresponds to OLEGETMONIKER native enumeration.
OleInplaceFrameInfo This structure contains information about accelerators and corresponds to OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO native structure.
OleLinkBind This enumeration defines IDs for the type of behavior in method IOleLink::BindToSource and corresponds to OLELINKBIND native enumeration.
OleMenuGroupWidths This structure contains the number of items for a shared menu and corresponds to OLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS native structure.
OleMisc This structure corresponds to OLEMISC native enumeration.
OleRender This enumeration defines IDs for the type of caching during creation of objects and corresponds to OLERENDER native enumeration.
OleUIBusy This structure contains information about Busy dialog box and corresponds to OLEUIBUSY native structure.
OleUIChangeIcon This structure contains information about Change icon dialog box and corresponds to OLEUICHANGEICON native structure.
OleUIChangeSource This structure contains information about Change source dialog box and corresponds to OLEUICHANGESOURCE native structure.
OleUIConvert This structure contains information about Convert dialog box and corresponds to OLEUICONVERT native structure.
OleUIEditLinks This structure contains information about Edit links dialog box and corresponds to OLEUIEDITLINKS native structure.
OleUIHdr Helper class that contains fields that are the same for several classes.
OleUIInsertObject This structure contains information about Insert object dialog box and corresponds to OLEUIINSERTOBJECT native structure.
OleUIPasteEntry This structure is used in structure OleUIPasteSpecial and corresponds to OLEUIPASTEENTRY native structure.
OleUIPasteFlag This enumeration defines IDs for options of pasting and corresponds to OLEUIPASTEFLAG native enumeration.
OleUIPasteSpecial This structure contains information about Paste special dialog box and corresponds to OLEUIPASTESPECIAL native structure.
OleUpdate This enumeration defines IDs for specifying when update cached data: automatically, or on calls of IOleObject::Update, IOleLink::Update methods.
OleVerb This structure contains information about verb supported by object and corresponds to OLEVERB native structure.
OleVerbAttrib This enumeration defines IDs used in OleVerb structure and corresponds to OLEVERBATTRIB native enumeration.
OleVerbs This enumeration contains constants for IOleObject::DoVerb method.
OleWhichMk This enumeration constants indicate which part of an object's moniker is being set or retrieved.
PointF This structure is used for conversions between container units and control units and corresponds to POINTF native structure.
RotFlags This class contains DWORD constants used in the IRunningObjectTable::Register method.
StatData This structure contains information about advisory connection and corresponds to STATDATA native structure.
StgMedium This structure is used by data transfer operations and corresponds to STGMEDIUM native structure.
TyMed Values of this enumeration indicate the type of storage medium being used in a data transfer.
UserClassType The UserClassType corresponds to USERCLASSTYPE native enumeration.
XFormCoords This class contains DWORD constants used in the IOleControlSite::TransformCoords method.

Package com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types Description

The com.jniwrapper.win32.mshtml.types package contains Java wrappers for native structures and types that are commonly used in OLE.