Uses of Class

Packages that use Region
com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi The com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi package contains classes that provide GDI related functionality. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ui The com.jniwrapper.win32.ui package contains auxilious classes for working with native windows, such as Wnd, which provides you with useful window related functionality, WindowProc, which is designed for obtaining native window messages etc. 

Uses of Region in com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi that return Region
static Region Region.combineRgn(Region srcRgn1, Region srcRgn2, Region.CombineMode combineMode)
          Creates a combined region from two specified regions.
static Region Region.createElliptic(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
          Factory method for creating elliptic regions.
static Region Region.createElliptic(Rect rect)
          Factory method for creating elliptic regions via bounding rectangle.
static Region Region.createFromImage(java.awt.Image image)
          Creates a region from the specified image.
static Region Region.createFromImage(java.awt.Image image, java.awt.Color transparent)
          Creates a region from the specified image.
static Region Region.createFromImage(java.awt.Image image, java.awt.Color transparent, java.awt.Color tolerance)
          Creates a region from specified image.
static Region Region.createPolygonRgn(Point[] points, int nPoints, PolyFillMode polyFillMode)
          Creates a polygonal region.
static Region Region.createPolyPolygonRgn(Point[] points, int[] polyCounts, int count, PolyFillMode polyFillMode)
          Creates a region consisting of a series of polygons.
static Region Region.createRectRegion(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
          Creates a rectangular region.
static Region Region.createRectRegion(Rect rect)
          Creates a rectangular region.
static Region Region.createRoundRectRegion(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int ellipseWidth, int ellipseHight)
 Region DC.selectObject(Region region)
          Selects the passed region in the device context.

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi with parameters of type Region
static Region Region.combineRgn(Region srcRgn1, Region srcRgn2, Region.CombineMode combineMode)
          Creates a combined region from two specified regions.
 boolean Region.equalRegion(Region region)
          Checks the two specified regions to determine whether they are identical.
 void DC.fillRegion(Region region, Brush brush)
          Fills a region by using the specified brush.
 void DC.frameRegion(Region region, Brush brush, int width, int heigh)
          Draws a border around the specified region by using the specified brush.
 boolean DC.invertRegion(Region region)
          Inverts the colors in the specified region.
 boolean DC.paintRegion(Region region)
          Paints the specified region by using the brush currently selected into the device context.
 void DC.selectClipRgn(Region region)
          Selects a given region as the current clipping region.
 Region DC.selectObject(Region region)
          Selects the passed region in the device context.

Uses of Region in com.jniwrapper.win32.ui

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ui that return Region
 Region Wnd.getRegion()
          Returns a copy of the window region of a window.
 Region Wnd.setRegion(Region region)
          Sets a custom window region.

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ui with parameters of type Region
 void Wnd.redraw(Rect updateRect, Region updateRegion, int flags)
          Updates a specified rectangle or region in the window's client area.
 Region Wnd.setRegion(Region region)
          Sets a custom window region.
 void Wnd.setRegion(Region region, boolean redraw)
          Sets a new window region.