Package com.jniwrapper.win32.hook

The com.jniwrapper.win32.hook package contains classes, which allows you to work with native hooks, such as keyboard hook, mouse hook, system idle tracker etc.


Interface Summary
CBTHookListener The listener interface for receiving events from CBT Hook hook.
HookEventListener Base interface for all hook event listeners.
IdleTrackerListener This class is a listener of the mouse and keyboard idle timeout events.

Class Summary
CallWndProcEvent This class describes events of the Hook.Descriptor.CALLWNDPROC hook.
CallWndProcRetEvent This class describes events of the Hook.Descriptor.CALLWNDPROCRET hook.
CBTEvent This class describes events of the Hook.Descriptor.CBT hook.
CBTEvent.Activate Represents HCBT_ACTIVATE hook event.
CBTEvent.ClickSkipped Represents HCBT_CLICKSKIPPED hook event.
CBTEvent.CreateWnd Represents HCBT_CREATEWND hook event.
CBTEvent.DestroyWnd Represents HCBT_DESTROYWND hook event.
CBTEvent.KeySkipped Represents HCBT_KEYSKIPPED hook event.
CBTEvent.MinMax Represents HCBT_MINMAX hook event.
CBTEvent.MoveSize Represents HCBT_MOVESIZE hook event.
CBTEvent.QS Represents QS hook event.
CBTEvent.SetFocus Represents SETFOCUS hook event.
CBTEvent.SysCommand Represents SYSCOMMAND hook event.
CBTHook Implementation of CBT hook.
CBTHookAdapter An abstract adapter class for receiving CBT Hook events.
EventsFilter Provides the functionality for configuring and filtering hook events.
EventsFilter.Range Defines range of events.
EventsFilter.WindowRecord Defines window events.
ForegroungIdleEvent This class describes events of the Hook.Descriptor.FOREGROUNDIDLE hook.
GetMsgEvent This class describes events of the Hook.Descriptor.GETMESSAGE hook.
Hook This class enables to install various Windows hooks and retrieve information from them using HookEventListener.
Hook.Descriptor This class represents the enumeraton of available Windows hooks.
HookEventObject Base hook event object.
IdleTracker This class provides functionality for controlling the mouse and keyboard idleness.
JournalRecordEvent This class describes events of the Hook.Descriptor.JOURNALRECORD hook.
KeyboardEvent This class describes events of the Hook.Descriptor.KEYBOARD hook.
LowLevelKeyboardEvent Defines low level keyboard event object.
LowLevelKeyboardHook Provides implementation of low-level keyboard hook.
LowLevelMouseEvent Defines low level mouse event object.
LowLevelMouseHook Provides implementation of low-level mouse hook.
MouseEvent This class describes events of the Hook.Descriptor.MOUSE hook.
ShellEvent This class describes events of the Hook.Descriptor.SHELL hook.
SysMsgProcEvent This class describes events of the Hook.Descriptor.SYSMSGFILTER hook.

Package com.jniwrapper.win32.hook Description

The com.jniwrapper.win32.hook package contains classes, which allows you to work with native hooks, such as keyboard hook, mouse hook, system idle tracker etc.