Package com.jniwrapper.win32

The com.jniwrapper.win32 package contains classes that provide basic functionality for Win32 platform.


Interface Summary
MessageLoopListener The listener interface for receiving events in the MessageLoopThread
ProcessMessageListener The listener interface for receiving events in the MessageLoopThread thread.

Class Summary
FunctionName This class stores general Windows API function name and returns the encoding-specific name on demand.
Handle A base class for all handle types.
HResult The HResult class represents the HRESULT data type and is used to describe errors.
IntPtr This class represents LONG_PTR native type.
LastError This class provides a status value of the last error and error messages associated with the system errors.
Msg This class represents MSG native structure.
Point This class represents POINT structure.
PointL This structure contains coordinates of the point and corresponds to POINTL native structure.
Rect This class represents RECT structure.
Size The Size class corresponds to SIZE native structure.
SizeT This class represents SIZE_T native type.
WinFunctionCache This class provides functionality for selecting appropriate function instance between ANSI and Unicode analogs available in Win32 API depending on the configuration of the cache.

Exception Summary
LastErrorException This is an exception that holds the last error code taken when an instance is created.

Package com.jniwrapper.win32 Description

The com.jniwrapper.win32 package contains classes that provide basic functionality for Win32 platform. It also includes Java wrappers for some commonly used native structures.