
The package contains several Java wrappers for native structures and types that are commonly used in security related functionality.


Class Summary
AccessToken This class helps to retrieve information about access tokens, containing the security information for a logon session.
AccessToken.TokenInformationClass This class is the wrapper for the TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration, which contains values that specify the type of information being assigned to or retrieved from the AccessToken class.
Luid The opaque structure that represents native LUID structure.
LuidAndAttributes This structure represents a locally unique identifier and its attributes and corresponds to the native LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES structure.
Sid This class is the wrapper for the SID structure.
SidAndAttributes This class is the wrapper for the SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES structure.
SidIdentifierAuthority This class is the SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY structure wrapper.
TokenGroups This structure contains information about privileges for access token and corresponds to native TOKEN_GROUPS structure.
TokenPrivileges This structure contains information about privileges for access token and corresponds to native TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure.
TokenUser This class is the wrapper for the TOKEN_USER structure.

Package Description

The package contains several Java wrappers for native structures and types that are commonly used in security related functionality.