Uses of Class

Packages that use Service.ErrorControl
com.jniwrapper.win32.service The com.jniwrapper.win32.service package contains classes for working with Windows services. 

Uses of Service.ErrorControl in com.jniwrapper.win32.service

Fields in com.jniwrapper.win32.service declared as Service.ErrorControl
static Service.ErrorControl Service.ErrorControl.CRITICAL
static Service.ErrorControl Service.ErrorControl.IGNORE
          The startup program logs error only.
static Service.ErrorControl Service.ErrorControl.NORMAL
          The startup program logs error and displays a message box with the error message.
static Service.ErrorControl Service.ErrorControl.SEVERE

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.service that return Service.ErrorControl
static Service.ErrorControl Service.ErrorControl.create(int type)
 Service.ErrorControl Service.getErrorControl()
          Returns severity of the error that describes the action performed if the service failed to start:
ErrorControl.IGNORE Logs error and continues startup ErrorControl.NORMAL Logs error, shows message box with error message and continues startup ErrorControl.SEVERE Logs error.

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.service with parameters of type Service.ErrorControl
 Service ServiceManager.create(java.lang.String serviceName, java.lang.String displayName, executableFile, Service.StartupType startupType, java.lang.String[] dependencies, Service.AccessRights access, Service.Type serviceType, Service.ErrorControl errorControl, java.lang.String startAccount, java.lang.String password)
          Creates a service with the given attributes in the service database.
 void Service.setErrorControl(Service.ErrorControl errorControl)
          Sets severity of the error that describes the action performed if the service failed to start:
ErrorControl.IGNORE Logs error and continues startup ErrorControl.NORMAL Logs error, shows message box with error message and continues startup ErrorControl.SEVERE Logs error.