
The package contains a number of standard COM interfaces wrappers.


Interface Summary
IClassFactory This interface provides methods for handling creation of new instances of a COM class.
IClassFactory2 This interface enables a class factory object, in any sort of object server, to control object creation through licensing.
ICreateErrorInfo Represents Java interface for COM interface ICreateErrorInfo.
IEnumMoniker This interface is used to enumerate the components of a moniker or the monikers in a table of monikers.
IEnumString This interface is used to enumerate strings.
IEnumUnknown This interface enumerates objects that implement IUnknown and are contained in the component.
IEnumVariant This interface is used to provides a method for enumerating a collection of variants.
IErrorInfo Represents Java interface for COM interface IErrorInfo.
IMalloc This interface is used for memory management.
IMessageFilter Filtering messages helps to ensure that calls are handled in a manner that improves performance and avoids deadlocks.
IMoniker This interface is used to find and activate COM objects.
IPersist This is the base interface for other interfaces representing objects that can be stored persistently in the system.
IPersistFile This interface provides a method for loading and saving files to a disk.
IPersistStorage This interface defines methods that enable a container application to pass a storage object to one of its contained objects and to load and save the storage object.
IPersistStream This interface provides methods for saving and loading objects by means of serial stream.
IPersistStreamInit This interface is a replacement for the IPersistStream interface, and contains the InitNew method
IServiceProvider IServiceProvider interface provides a generic way to locate a service by GUID.
ISupportErrorInfo Represents Java interface for COM interface ISupportErrorInfo.
IUnknown The IUnknown interface allows to get other interfaces of an object using the queryInterface method and to manage the existence of the object using the addRef and release methods.

Class Summary
AbstractOleControl An abstract implementation of OLE control, which allows to create new OLE control from a Swing component.
CallType The CallType enumeration constant specifies the call types used by IMessageFilter.handleInComingCall method.
CoAuthInfo This structure contains authentication settings for remote activation.
CoInit This enumeration determines the concurrency model used for incoming calls to objects created by this thread.
ComFunctions This class provides wrappers for functions from OLEAUT32 library and service routines for JNIWrapper COM integration.
ComModule The abstract base class for COM modules code created by the code generation utility.
CoServerInfo Represents remote computer and corresponds to native COSERVERINFO structure.
DispatchComServer This is the root class for the java COM servers.
DllClassFactory Provides the ability to load IClassFactory instance directly from the specified DLL file.
LibraryClassFactory Provides the ability to load IClassFactory instance directly from the library.
LicInfo This class is the wrapper for LICINFO structure.
MultiQI This structure is used for querying multiple interfaces from COM interface and corresponds to native MULTI_QI structure.
ServerCall The ServerCall enumeration constants indicate the status of server call returned by the IMessageFilter.handleInComingCall method and passed to the IMessageFilter.retryRejectedCall method.

Exception Summary
ComException This exception class is used for indicating errors occurred on the COM side.

Package Description

The package contains a number of standard COM interfaces wrappers. They are IUnknown, IDispatch, IClassFactory, IMoniker and other.