Uses of Class

Packages that use Cell

Uses of Cell in com.jniwrapper.win32.jexcel

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.jexcel that return Cell
 Cell Range.find(java.util.Date what, Range.SearchAttributes attributes)
          Returns the first cell that contains the data specified by what argument.
 Cell Range.find(double what, Range.SearchAttributes attributes)
          Returns the first cell that contains the data specified by what argument.
 Cell Range.find(long what, Range.SearchAttributes attributes)
          Returns the first cell that contains the data specified by what argument.
 Cell Range.find(java.lang.String what, Range.SearchAttributes attributes)
          Returns the first cell that contains the data specified by what argument.
 Cell Range.findNext()
          Returns the cell that contains the next occurrence of the data.
 Cell WorksheetEventObject.getCell()
          Returns an instance of the Cell class, which the event is connected with.
 Cell Worksheet.getCell(int row, int column)
          Returns an instance of the Cell class that represents the specified cell.
 Cell Worksheet.getCell(java.lang.String cell)
          Returns an instance of the Cell class that represents the specified cell.

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.jexcel with parameters of type Cell
 void Worksheet.fillWithArray(Cell startCell, java.util.Date[][] content)
          Fills range, starting at given cell with given array.
 void Worksheet.fillWithArray(Cell startCell, double[][] content)
          Fills range, starting at given cell with given array.
 void Worksheet.fillWithArray(Cell startCell, long[][] content)
          Fills range, starting at given cell with given array.
 void Worksheet.fillWithArray(Cell startCell, java.lang.String[][] content)
          Fills range, starting at given cell with given array.

Constructors in com.jniwrapper.win32.jexcel with parameters of type Cell
Range(Cell cell)
          Creates a range that contains a single cell.
WorksheetEventObject(Worksheet source, Cell cell)