Uses of Class

Packages that use DdeException
com.jniwrapper.win32.dde The com.jniwrapper.win32.dde package contains classes, which allows you to interact with native applications via DDE technology. 

Uses of DdeException in com.jniwrapper.win32.dde

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.dde that throw DdeException
 void DdeClient.abandonTransaction(long transactionID)
          Abandons the specified asynchronous transaction and releases all transaction resources, so that the event handler will not receive notification when the transaction is processed.
 void DdeClient.connect()
          Establishes connection with the service.
 void DdeClient.disconnect()
          Disconnects the client from the service.
 void DdeClient.execute(java.lang.String command, long timeout)
          Executes the specified command and waits for a confirmation response from the service.
 long DdeClient.executeAsync(java.lang.String command)
          Asynchronously executes the specified command.
 byte[] DdeClient.get(DdeItem item, long timeout)
          Makes a synchronous request to the service for data that corresponds to the specified item.
 long DdeClient.getAsync(DdeItem item)
          Makes an asynchronous request to the service for data that corresponds to the specified item.
 void DdeService.postAdvise(java.lang.String topic, java.lang.String item)
          Notifies clients that the value of item data has been changed.
 void DdeService.register()
          Registers the service.
 void DdeClient.send(DdeItem item, byte[] data, long timeout)
          Sends data to the service and waits for a confirmation response.
 long DdeClient.sendAsync(DdeItem item, byte[] data)
          Asynchronously sends data to the service.
 void DdeClient.startAdviseLoop(DdeItem item, boolean sendData, boolean sync, long timeout)
          Begins an advise loop and waits for confirmation response from the service.
 long DdeClient.startAdviseLoopAsync(DdeItem item, boolean sendData, boolean sync)
          Asynchronously begins an advise loop.
 void DdeClient.stopAdviseLoop(DdeItem item, long timeout)
          Stops an advise loop and waits for a confirmation response from the service.
 long DdeClient.stopAdviseLoopAsync(DdeItem item)
          Asynchronously stops an advise loop.
 void DdeService.unregister()
          Unregisters the service.