Package com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi

The com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi package contains classes that provide GDI related functionality.


Class Summary
Bitmap This class represents common functionality for working with bitmaps.
Bitmap.Compression Class Compression represents compression level enumeration.
Bitmap.PredefinedBitmap Class PredefinedBitmap enumeration represents predefined windows bitmaps.
BitmapFileHeader This class represents BITMAPFILEHEADER structure.
BitmapInfo This class represents BITMAPINFO structure.
BitmapInfoHeader This class represents the wrapper for BITMAPINFOHEADER structure.
BitmapStructure This class represents BITMAP structure.
BlendFunction BlendStructure containts parameters for the AlphaBlend function.
Brush This class provides methods and enumerations to work with brushes.
Brush.BrushStyle BrushStyle class represents the enumeration of brush styles.
Brush.HatchStyle HatchStyle class represents the enumeration of hatch styles.
Brush.StockBrush Enumeration of stock brushes.
ColorRef This class represents COLORREF structure.
Cursor This class provides various methods for working with the cursor.
Cursor.CursorKind This enumeration (IDC_*) specifies various types of the cursor.
Cursor.CursorPositionCode CursorPositionCode class represents the enumeration of the mouse position codes.
DC This class provides methods for working with Windows device contexts (DC).
DC.MappingMode Enumeration of available mapping modes.
DC.RasterOperation The RasterOperation class represents the enumeration of raster operations.
DDBitmap This class provides functionality for working with bitmaps in DDB (device-dependent bitmap) format.
DevMode This structure corresponds to a native DEVMODE structure.
DIBitmap This class provides functionality for working with bitmaps in DIB (device-independent bitmap ) format.
DibSection This class represents DIBSECTION structure.
Font The Font class represents the HFONT type.
Gdi32 This class provides a wrapper over Win32 GDI functions.
GdiObject An abstract base for all GDI objects.
GdiObject.ImageLoadParameters ImageLoadParameters class.
GdiObject.ImageType Class ImageType represents the enumeration of windows image types.
GdiObject.Type GdiObjectType class represents the enumeration of standard GDI object types.
GradientRect Represents GRADIENT_RECT native structure.
Icon This class represents generic methods to work with icons.
Icon.IconType IconType represents the enumeration of default icon types.
IconInfo This class represents ICONINFO structure.
LogBrush This class represents the
LogFont The LogFont class represents the LOGFONT structure.
LogPalette The LogPalette class represents the LOGPALETTE structure.
Msimg32 This class wraps the functionality provided by MSIMG32 library.
PaletteEntry PaletteEntry class represents PALETTEENTRY structure.
PolyFillMode PolyFillMode class represents EnumItemeration of poly fill modes.
PrintParameters This class describes set of pages in document to print, number of copies to print.
Region This class provides operations on region objects.
Region.CombineMode CombineMode class represents EnumItemeration of combined operations.
RGBQuad This class represents RGBQUAD structure.
SystemColor SystemColor class provides the ability to read and write system colors.
WindowDC WindowDC class provides the ability to retrieve a DC from a specified window.

Package com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi Description

The com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi package contains classes that provide GDI related functionality. GDI allows you to work with native window DC, icons, bitmaps, fonts etc.