Package com.jniwrapper.win32.process

The com.jniwrapper.win32.process package contains classes for working with native processes.


Class Summary
CurrentProcess CurrentProcess class represents a current process and provides various information about it.
CurrentProcess.ShutdownFlags ShutdownFlags class represents system shutdown flags.
IOCounters The IOCounters class represents the IO_COUNTERS structure.
PerformanceInformation This class is a wrapper for the PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION native structure and contains performance information.
Process Process class represents a process and provides various information about it.
Process.PriorityClass PrioriryClass class is enumeration of priorities for a system process.
Process.ProcessResource This class responds for destroying a native resource when the instance is collected by garbage-collector.
ProcessMemoryCounters This class is a wrapper for PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS native structure and contains various memory statistics.
ProcessOptions ProcessCreationOptions class represents options for process creation.
ProcessSecurityOptions ProcessSecurityOptions class represents a set of options required for opening a process.
ProcessVariables This class allows managing environment variables for a process.
ProcessVariables.EnvironmentVariablesResource This class is responsible for destroying a native resource when the instance is collected by garbage-collector.
Psapi This class provides functions from the Psapi library.
StartupInfo StartupInfo class represents STARTUPINFO structure.

Package com.jniwrapper.win32.process Description

The com.jniwrapper.win32.process package contains classes for working with native processes.