Uses of Class

Packages that use LogFont
com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi The com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi package contains classes that provide GDI related functionality. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ui The com.jniwrapper.win32.ui package contains auxilious classes for working with native windows, such as Wnd, which provides you with useful window related functionality, WindowProc, which is designed for obtaining native window messages etc. 

Uses of LogFont in com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi with parameters of type LogFont
static Font Font.createFontIndirect(LogFont logFont)
          Creates a logical font that has the specified characteristics

Constructors in com.jniwrapper.win32.gdi with parameters of type LogFont
LogFont(LogFont that)
          Create new instance of the LogFont and initializes it by the specified one.

Uses of LogFont in com.jniwrapper.win32.ui

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ui that return LogFont
 LogFont NonClientMetrics.getLfMenuFont()