Uses of Interface

Packages that use IStorage
com.jniwrapper.win32.automation This package provides interfaces, their implementaitons, utility classes and data types for working with Microsoft Automation. The package contains a number of standard COM interfaces wrappers. The package contains default client implementations of COM interfaces introduced in the package. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ole The com.jniwrapper.win32.mshtml package contains a number of interfaces that are used in the OLE technology. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types The com.jniwrapper.win32.mshtml.types package contains Java wrappers for native structures and types that are commonly used in OLE. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.stg The com.jniwrapper.win32.stg package contains a number of commonly used interfaces from the Structured Storage API. 
com.jniwrapper.win32.stg.impl The com.jniwrapper.win32.stg.impl package contains default client implementations of COM interfaces introduced in the com.jniwrapper.win32.stg package. 

Uses of IStorage in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.automation with parameters of type IStorage
 void OleContainer.load(IStorage storage)
          Loads an OLE object from OLE storage.

Uses of IStorage in

Methods in with parameters of type IStorage
 void IPersistStorage.initNew(IStorage pStg)
 void IPersistStorage.load(IStorage pStg)
 void pStgSave, VariantBool fSameAsLoad)
 void IPersistStorage.saveCompleted(IStorage pStgNew)

Uses of IStorage in

Methods in with parameters of type IStorage
 void IPersistStorageImpl.initNew(IStorage pStg)
 void IPersistStorageImpl.load(IStorage pStg)
 void pStgSave, VariantBool fSameAsLoad)
 void IPersistStorageImpl.saveCompleted(IStorage pStgNew)

Uses of IStorage in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole with parameters of type IStorage
static void OleFunctions.oleCreate(CLSID rclsid, IID riid, OleRender renderopt, FormatEtc pformatetc, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, IUnknown ppvObject)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateEx(CLSID rclsid, IID riid, OleCreate dwFlags, OleRender renderopt, Int32 cFormats, Int32 rgAdvf, FormatEtc rgFormatEtc, IAdviseSink lpAdviseSink, Int32 rgdwConnection, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateFromData(IDataObject pSrcDataObj, IID riid, OleRender renderopt, FormatEtc pformatetc, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, IUnknown resultObject)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateFromDataEx(IDataObject pSrcDataObj, IID riid, OleCreate dwFlags, OleRender renderopt, Int32 cFormats, Int32 rgAdvf, FormatEtc rgFormatEtc, IAdviseSink lpAdviseSink, Int32 rgdwConnection, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateLinkFromData(IDataObject pSrcDataObj, IID riid, OleRender renderopt, Pointer.Void pformatetc, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateLinkFromDataEx(IDataObject pSrcDataObj, IID riid, OleCreate dwFlags, OleRender renderopt, Int32 cFormats, Int32 rgAdvf, Pointer.Void rgFormatEtc, IAdviseSink lpAdviseSink, Int32 rgdwConnection, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateStaticFromData(IDataObject pSrcDataObj, IID iid, OleRender renderopt, Pointer.Void pformatetc, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateLink(IMoniker pmkLinkSrc, IID riid, OleRender renderopt, Pointer.Void rgFormatEtc, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateLinkEx(IMoniker pmkLinkSrc, IID riid, OleCreate dwFlags, OleRender renderopt, Int32 cFormats, Int32 rgAdvf, Pointer.Void rgFormatEtc, IAdviseSink lpAdviseSink, Int32 rgdwConnection, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateLinkToFile(BStr lpszFileName, IID riid, OleRender renderopt, Pointer.Void rgFormatEtc, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateLinkToFileEx(BStr lpszFileName, IID riid, OleCreate dwFlags, OleRender renderopt, Int32 cFormats, Int32 rgAdvf, Pointer.Void rgFormatEtc, IAdviseSink lpAdviseSink, Int32 rgdwConnection, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateFromFile(CLSID rclsid, BStr lpszFileName, IID riid, OleRender renderopt, FormatEtc rgFormatEtc, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, IUnknown ppvObject)
static void OleFunctions.oleCreateFromFileEx(CLSID rclsid, BStr lpszFileName, IID riid, OleCreate dwFlags, OleRender renderopt, Int32 cFormats, Int32 rgAdvf, FormatEtc rgFormatEtc, IAdviseSink lpAdviseSink, Int32 rgdwConnection, IOleClientSite pClientSite, IStorage pStg, Pointer.Void ppvObj)
static IUnknown OleFunctions.oleLoad(IStorage pStg, IID riid, IOleClientSite pClientSite)
static void OleFunctions.oleSave(IPersistStorage pPS, IStorage pStg, VariantBool fSameAsLoad)

Uses of IStorage in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.ole.types that return IStorage
 IStorage OleUIInsertObject.getLpIStorage()

Uses of IStorage in com.jniwrapper.win32.stg

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.stg that return IStorage
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgOpenStorage(java.lang.String pwcsName, IStorage pstgPriority, StgMode grfMode, BStr snbExclude)
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgCreateStorageEx(BStr pwcsName, StgMode grfMode, StgFmt stgfmt, UInt32 grfAttrs, StgOptions stgOptions, Pointer.Void reserved2, IID iid)
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgOpenStorageEx(BStr pwcsName, StgMode grfMode, StgFmt stgfmt, UInt32 grfAttrs, StgOptions stgOptions, Pointer.Void reserved2, IID iid)
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgCreateDocfile(BStr pwcsName, StgMode grfMode, Int32 reserved)
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes(ILockBytes plkbyt, StgMode grfMode, Int32 reserved)
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgOpenStorageOnILockBytes(ILockBytes plkbyt, IStorage pstgPriority, StgMode grfMode, BStr snbExclude, Int32 reserved)
 IStorage IStorage.createStorage(OleStr pwcsName, StgMode grfMode, UInt32 reserved1, UInt32 reserved2)
 IStorage IStorage.openStorage(OleStr pwcsName, IStorage pStgPriority, StgMode grfMode, SNB snbExclude, UInt32 reserved)

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.stg with parameters of type IStorage
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgOpenStorage(java.lang.String pwcsName, IStorage pstgPriority, StgMode grfMode, BStr snbExclude)
static IStorage StorageFunctions.stgOpenStorageOnILockBytes(ILockBytes plkbyt, IStorage pstgPriority, StgMode grfMode, BStr snbExclude, Int32 reserved)
static CLSID StorageFunctions.readClassStg(IStorage pStg)
static void StorageFunctions.writeClassStg(IStorage pStg, CLSID rclsid)
 IStorage IStorage.openStorage(OleStr pwcsName, IStorage pStgPriority, StgMode grfMode, SNB snbExclude, UInt32 reserved)
 void IStorage.copyTo(UInt32 ciidExclude, ComplexArray rgiidExclude, SNB snbExclude, IStorage pstgDest)
 void IStorage.moveElementTo(OleStr pwcsName, IStorage pstgDest, OleStr pwcsNewName, StgMode grfFlags)

Uses of IStorage in com.jniwrapper.win32.stg.impl

Classes in com.jniwrapper.win32.stg.impl that implement IStorage
 class IStorageImpl
          Represents COM interface IStorage.

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.stg.impl that return IStorage
 IStorage IStorageImpl.createStorage(OleStr pwcsName, StgMode grfMode, UInt32 reserved1, UInt32 reserved2)
 IStorage IStorageImpl.openStorage(OleStr pwcsName, IStorage pStgPriority, StgMode grfMode, SNB snbExclude, UInt32 reserved)

Methods in com.jniwrapper.win32.stg.impl with parameters of type IStorage
 IStorage IStorageImpl.openStorage(OleStr pwcsName, IStorage pStgPriority, StgMode grfMode, SNB snbExclude, UInt32 reserved)
 void IStorageImpl.copyTo(UInt32 ciidExclude, ComplexArray rgiidExclude, SNB snbExclude, IStorage pstgDest)
 void IStorageImpl.moveElementTo(OleStr pwcsName, IStorage pstgDest, OleStr pwcsNewName, StgMode grfFlags)